Accès Cible Production association loi 1901

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Recherche et développement de systèmes d’informations et de guidage
en temps réel, dédiés aux personnes en situations de handicaps.
Agir ensemble pour un développement humain & durable de la mobilité.


Accueil du handicap



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Vocation de l’association Accès•Cible•Production

1) L’association a pour objectif la création de produits et de services d’assistance au déplacement des personnes à mobilité réduite, s’appuyant sur les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC).

2) Elle participe à la mise en place de méthodes de travail et à la mobilisation d’un réseau de tous les acteurs concernés par le handicap pour améliorer l'accessibilité.

3) Elle agit pour améliorer le déplacement autonome des personnes à mobilité réduite (PMR) en milieu banalisé, tenant compte des différents handicaps et de toutes situations handicapantes.

À l'initiative d'Accès•Cible•Production l'innovation technologique et sociale, au profit des catégories de personnes isolées, est actuellement orientée vers le développement de solutions de services interactifs sur des téléphones mobiles, en temps réel.

Ces solutions interactives de guidage sont regroupées sous la marque générique AccesCités ® englobant une approche globale d'information et de guidage pour tous lors des déplacements en autonomie.

Enfin, sous la marque AccesCités, le terme de Parcours Cités ®, recouvre un ensemble de parcours sécurisés et adaptés à chacun selon ses potentiels de déplacements, et destinés à tous types d’usagers pour des besoins quotidiens, touristiques ou de loisirs...

English clik here :-)


Usages d'OpenStreetMap et du big data pour l'accessibilité

Published on Nov 10, 2015 Alain de Borniol et Jean-Louis Zimmerman

ont présenté les utilisations d'OpenStreetMap pour le tourisme et l'accessibilité

Telechargez ce video ici





The concept of project AccèsCités has to allow a vocal guide real-time "step by step" of a person according to its profile of handicap, its place of departure and destination. The using person the guide, avoids the obstacles which can oppose to his progress. The main functions : - to accompany "step by step" and real time the persons handicaped in their movements - to assist and accompany the pedestrian sur his route, at his convenience - to direct according to his requests for destination - to advise on the resources of mobility (way pedestrians, public transport) - to allow to leave the insulation and the dependence of one accompanying during displacement. AccesCities is a prototype of personal assistant specialized in the accompaniment. . The service calculates the ideal trajectory and dictates the route to be followed to join the Quoted Course nearest. The Courses Quoted ® are a set of routes adapted to the specific locomotion of the blind men and their capacities of mobility in autonomy. They are used also the people for reduced mobility. The Courses Quoted ® are equipped with means of Spatio Guidage avoiding by skirtings the obstacles of routes. These same TIC means are useful for the localization of services, (stops/stations of public transport, administrations, recreational centres and trade, health care center…) as with the access to the destinations which mark out the Quoted Courses. A such plan of pedestrian displacement the Courses Quoted ® are a set of ways returning in the logic of the label “adapted Tourism”. They ensure the service road of the destinations of first need for the tourists and the residents. Today AccésCités has to develop tools TIC associated with a software with movement treating with the scenarios with accompaniment with indoor displacements - outdoor, of a person followed in real time for; - To validate a method back from use concerning the accessibility of routes - Improvement mobility in autonomy of the people during their displacements, - To contribute by this method to improve the access to the various places accessible to all by characterizing the geolocalisation of installations useful for various the forms of access. Besides this method we developed one limps with tools which allows us: - To recover testimonies of the people who will validate the course “testimonies “audio, video, text the geolocalized whole” deposited in a SIG which has the role to be used as tools numerical for mediations between the parts concerned - service with public and the actors of mobility - We also produced a collaboratif and participative tool which will allow the governorships of the cities and transport to treat, manage and manage testimonies harvests on Courses Quoted by: - géo-localized video in real time - géo-localized text messages in real time - photographs géo-localized in real time - géo-localized sms in real time These actions are federated by the participation of a collective of experts (fragile and handicapped people + governorship) who work together with the recipients of displacement and urban mobility - They have an Internet 2.0 animated on a geographical information system - SIG - dedicated for this purpose. We wish to apply on a site controls this step in order to write the specifications of services of spatio guidance of mobility with destinations of public most vulnerable but also for the unit of the pedestrians who traverse the city.




Tous droits réservés par l'association ACCES CIBLE PRODUCTION.

Association loi 1901 à but non lucratif pour le développement

de l’innovation sociale et technologique au service du handicap.

Copyright © 1999 2019 Accès•Cible•Production